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Protect your nonprofit from some of the risks of litigation.
Nonprofit directors & officers (D&O) liability insurance could protect your organization from covered claims for legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments incurred by your organization because of the actions of its officers. Lawsuits – frivolous or not – can be incredibly costly and often jeopardize members’ personal assets. Nonprofit directors & officers insurance could help ensure that these potentially high costs don’t keep your organization from doing the good works it was created for.
Your organization’s directors, officers, and other staff mean well. But even the best intentions can wind up in a lawsuit. And a lawsuit can be catastrophic for your organization, its principals, and the people it serves.
Nonprofit directors & officers liability insurance can help defend against these risks. It helps cover legal defense costs, settlements, and judgments for covered claims against your organization and its officers. In fact, this coverage helps nonprofits to recruit VIPs to their cause since they know their assets are protected in case of a lawsuit.
Policyholders also have access to Designed HR, a human resources loss prevention website and employment advice helpline, at no additional charge
Business Owners Policy helps protect your nonprofit from various covered claims, including bodily injury, property damage, and injuries done to others that may occur as a result of your nonprofit’s operations.
Workers’ compensation protects your organization against work-related injuries or illness (requirements vary by state).
Commercial auto is for the cars, trucks, vans, and other vehicles your nonprofit uses during its activities. If you have multiple vehicles, talk to a local agent about available options.
This is only a general description of coverages of the available types of business insurance and is not a statement of contract. Details of coverage, limits, or services may not be available for all business and vary in some states. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. Contact a State Farm agent for more information and a customized quote.
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Life Insurance and annuities are issued by State Farm Life Insurance Company. (Not Licensed in MA, NY, and WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in New York and Wisconsin) Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois.